Web Design App

Build awesome websites on your PC or Mac! No code, free, with AI.

Get Started with AI

Begin crafting your website effortlessly with our pioneering AI, designed to generate website content, images, and layout based on your input. This intuitive technology simplifies the process of website creation by providing a solid foundation that you can then personalize and refine. Once the AI has transformed your initial prompt into a visual and textual representation, you can take the reins and fine-tune every aspect using a web design application. This seamless integration of AI-generated components with user-driven customization allows for a hassle-free, efficient, and creative website development process, tailored perfectly to meet your unique needs and vision.

Made with web design app. No code.

An alternate approach to begin crafting a website through a web design application involves downloading the Mobirise app and exploring its extensive library of website templates. Once downloaded, users can browse through a variety of designs to find one that best suits their needs. This method offers a straightforward, user-friendly experience for those interested in designing their website without starting from scratch, allowing them to select and customize a template to create their desired website.
Motion Studio
Digital Agency
Mobile App Demo
Development Сompany
Development Сompany
Web Saas App Demo
Web Saas App Demo
Web Saas App Demo
Instagram Growth Agency
Illustration studio
Event Management Company
Consulting Services
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Mobile App Demo
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Beauty Salon
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Join 2,500,000+ happy users!

Key features

Responsive Design

Responsive design is crucial for any web design app, ensuring that websites adapt seamlessly to any screen size or device. This feature guarantees that all users, regardless of how they access the site, experience content in the best possible way. It involves flexible grids and layouts, images that resize, and an understanding of the importance of mobile-first design principles. Implementing responsive design eliminates the need for a different design and development phase for each new gadget on the market, making web content accessible and aesthetically pleasing across a wide range of devices.

Intuitive Interface

An intuitive interface is essential for a web design app, ensuring users can navigate and utilize the tool with ease and efficiency. This feature reduces learning time and enhances productivity, allowing designers of all skill levels to create beautiful websites quickly. An intuitive design understands the user's needs, providing straightforward pathways to accomplish tasks, requiring minimal effort to achieve desired results. It leverages familiar UI patterns, clear labels, and logical navigation flow to make the design process as smooth and straightforward as possible, thereby enhancing user satisfaction and the quality of the final product.

Customizable Templates

Customizable templates are a cornerstone feature for any web design app, providing users with a starting point to create unique and professional-looking websites. These templates should be diverse, catering to various industries and design preferences. Customizability allows users to tweak and tailor the layout, color schemes, font choices, and more, ensuring that the outcome aligns perfectly with their vision or brand identity. By offering a well-structured yet flexible template, the app empowers users to produce high-quality designs without needing extensive coding knowledge, making web design accessible to a wider audience, including those with minimal design experience.

SEO Optimization Tools

SEO optimization tools within a web design app are indispensable for boosting a website's visibility on search engines. These tools offer guidance on how to structure content, select keywords, and optimize meta tags to improve search engine rankings. Effective SEO strategies attract more traffic, increasing the site's visibility and potentially leading to higher conversion rates. The tools should also provide real-time feedback on SEO performance, helping users to fine-tune their content for better results. Incorporating SEO optimization tools directly into the design app streamlines the web development process, ensuring that websites are not only aesthetically pleasing but also search engine friendly from the start.

Integration Capabilities

Integration capabilities in a web design app allow users to connect with a wide array of tools and services, enhancing the functionality and efficiency of their websites. This feature enables seamless integration with social media platforms, e-commerce solutions, analytics tools, and more, creating a more dynamic and interactive web experience. Effective integration simplifies processes, such as managing site content, tracking visitor behavior, and conducting transactions, directly from the web design platform. By offering a rich set of integration options, the app not only saves time but also expands the potential for websites to engage and serve their audiences in innovative ways.

Analytics and Reporting

Having analytics and reporting functionality built into a web design app is invaluable for understanding website performance and user engagement. This feature provides detailed insights into website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates, helping users to identify strengths and areas for improvement. Through comprehensive reports, designers and website owners can make data-informed decisions to optimize their sites for better performance and user experience. The analytics should be easy to understand and offer actionable insights, allowing even those with limited analytical skills to benefit from the data. Incorporating these tools directly into the design platform enhances workflow efficiency and encourages continual improvement of web projects.

AI Generation

AI generation in a web design app represents the cutting-edge of technology, using artificial intelligence to streamline the design process and inspire creativity. This feature can automatically generate design elements, suggest color schemes, and even create content, based on the user's preferences and input. AI tools can significantly reduce the time and effort required for designing websites, making it easier for users to produce professional and visually appealing sites. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, the app can provide customized suggestions that improve over time, offering unique and innovative design solutions that would be challenging to conceive manually.

Export and Publish Anywhere

The ability to export and publish designs anywhere is essential for a versatile web design app. This feature allows users to freely move their designs between platforms, host them on various services, or integrate them into existing workflows with ease. It ensures that the final web designs are not confined to a single ecosystem, offering the flexibility needed in today's digital landscape. Whether users prefer to use a specific hosting service or need to meet client requirements, this flexibility enhances the app's utility, making it a powerful tool for designers looking to streamline their design-to-deployment process.

Offline Mode

An offline mode in a web design app is indispensable for users who may not always have access to a reliable internet connection. This feature ensures that productivity is not hampered by connectivity issues, allowing users to continue working on their designs without interruption. Any changes made offline can be synced once a connection is re-established, ensuring no progress is lost. This capability is particularly beneficial for freelancers or those who travel frequently, providing the freedom to work from any location, at any time. Offering an offline mode significantly enhances the app's usability, making it a more adaptable and dependable tool for web designers worldwide.

How to build websites with web design app?

Downloading Mobirise App

The first step in creating your website involves downloading the Mobirise app from its official website. Ensure your system meets the necessary requirements before installation. This user-friendly app provides an intuitive interface that simplifies web design, making it accessible even for those with minimal technical expertise. Downloading and installing the Mobirise app is the foundation of your web design journey.

Choosing Your Starting Point

Upon launching Mobirise, you're presented with options to start your website creation process. You can choose from leveraging AI technology to design your site, selecting from an array of professional templates, or starting from a blank page if you have a specific design in mind. This flexibility allows you to commence building your website in a way that best suits your project's requirements and your personal preferences.

Customizing Your Template

After choosing a template, the next step is customization. Mobirise offers a wide range of design elements that you can drag and drop to customize your template. Adjust layout, colors, fonts, and add content like text, images, and videos to make your website unique. This stage is crucial for shaping the visual identity of your website and ensuring it aligns with your brand or personal aesthetics.

Adding Pages and Setting Navigation

Websites typically need multiple pages to organize content effectively. In Mobirise, you can easily add new pages and set up navigation through its user-friendly interface. Decide the structure of your website by planning the pages you need, such as Home, About, Services, and Contact. Setting up clear navigation helps visitors easily find information, enhancing user experience and engagement on your website.

Previewing and Testing Your Site

Before publishing your website, it's essential to preview and test it to ensure everything works as expected. Mobirise offers a preview feature that allows you to see how your site will look on different devices, ensuring responsiveness and functionality. Test all links, buttons, and forms to catch and fix any issues. A well-tested website provides a smooth, error-free experience for your visitors.

Publishing Your Website

The final step is to publish your website. Mobirise offers various publishing options, including exporting your site to a local drive or directly publishing it to a hosting platform. Choose a reliable hosting service to ensure your site is accessible and performs well. After publishing, share your website's URL with your audience. Remember to update your site regularly to keep your content fresh and relevant.

Create website in minutes with web design app!

Drag pre-made blocks to assemble your website swiftly, then customize by replacing the default content with your own. In no time, your unique website comes to life, ready to dazzle the online world. This approach eliminates the need for intricate coding or design skills, allowing anyone to craft a professional-looking site. Just select, drag, customize, and presto—your digital presence is established, showcasing your ideas, products, or services with ease and style.

Best web design app

Mobirise is a free offline app designed for non-techies to easily create small/medium websites, landing pages, online resumes, and portfolios. It leverages a drag-and-drop interface allowing users to implement pre-made blocks into their design seamlessly, without the need for coding. Loaded with contemporary, visually-appealing templates and themes, Mobirise caters to various design preferences. It supports responsive web design, ensuring that websites look great on any device. This app is ideal for freelancers, businesses, and hobbyists aiming for a professional web presence. Enhance your web design experience by downloading Mobirise for Windows or Mac using the buttons below, or explore our AI-driven design alternatives.

Edit locally, upload wherever

Publish your website effortlessly to a local drive, FTP, or directly to *.mobirisesite.com, and have the freedom to connect a custom domain of your choice. Avoid being restricted to a single platform or service provider. Take command of your online presence, ensuring your website remains entirely under your control. This autonomy allows for flexibility and the opportunity to adapt and grow your digital footprint on your terms, without constraints.

Popular web design app blocks

    • 🎨 Header Design The Header Design block serves as the forefront of your website, creating an initial impression about your site's purpose and identity. Typically, it includes the logo, navigation links, and sometimes a search bar or call-to-action buttons. A well-designed header is crucial for usability and aesthetics, guiding visitors through your site with ease and establishing a visual hierarchy. Whether simple or elaborate, the header should reflect the site's overall design language, ensuring a cohesive and engaging user experience. Remember, the header is often the first point of interaction, so it should encapsulate the essence of your brand or mission effectively.
    • 🖼️ Image Gallery An Image Gallery block is a visual feature that allows website creators to showcase multiple images in an organized and attractive manner. This block can be highly customizable, supporting various layouts like grids, masonry, or sliders. Image galleries are pivotal for websites that rely heavily on visual content, such as portfolios, e-commerce sites, and blogs. They offer a way for users to visually interact with the content, providing a richer browsing experience. Quality and optimized images, combined with intuitive navigation controls, can significantly enhance engagement and time spent on the site. Additionally, image galleries can also improve the site's SEO performance by incorporating alt text for images.
    • 📰 Blog Post Previews Blog Post Previews are essential components for content-rich websites, offering a snapshot of articles or posts to engage readers and encourage deeper exploration. These blocks typically display the title, an excerpt, and a featured image, serving as teasers that lead to full articles. Effective use of blog post previews can significantly improve navigation, making it easier for visitors to find relevant content and boosting overall site engagement. This design element also benefits SEO, helping to highlight key topics and keywords. To maximize impact, previews should be well-organized, visually appealing, and updated regularly to reflect the most current and popular content.
    • 📆 Event Calendar The Event Calendar block is a dynamic tool designed for websites that need to display dates and details for various events. It can range from simple date listings to complex, interactive calendars with filters for categories and tags. This block is indispensable for community centers, educational institutions, businesses, and any site that hosts or promotes events. A well-implemented event calendar improves user engagement by keeping visitors informed of upcoming activities and facilitating easier planning. It should be intuitive, allowing users to quickly browse through events, and possibly even integrate with personal calendar apps for reminders, enhancing the overall user experience.
    • 💬 Testimonials Testimonials are powerful blocks that feature positive reviews or endorsements from customers or clients. Displaying testimonials on your website can significantly build trust and credibility with prospective customers, showcasing real-life examples of satisfaction with your products or services. A well-designed testimonials block will have a clean, readable layout that highlights the feedback effectively, perhaps including the reviewer's name, position, and photo for added authenticity. Integrating this block into key areas of your site can influence decision-making, reinforcing your brand's value and reliability. Testimonials work by leveraging social proof, a psychological and social phenomenon where people's actions are influenced by others' experiences.
    • 👤 Team Member Profiles Team Member Profiles are essential for humanizing your brand and giving your business a personal touch. This block can display photos, names, roles, and short bios of the individuals behind the organization. Including team profiles on your website can foster a sense of connection and trust with your audience, showing the expertise and diversity of your team. It’s especially important for professional services, agencies, and any business looking to highlight their team’s unique skills and personalities. Effective team blocks are not only informative but also visually engaging, encouraging users to explore more about the people behind the projects or services offered.
    • 🛍️ Product Features The Product Features block is a critical element for any e-commerce site or business website that offers products or services. It's designed to showcase the key benefits and unique selling points of a product in a clear and engaging manner. This block can take various forms, from bullet lists to interactive demonstrations, and should be visually appealing to catch the user's attention. Highlighting product features effectively can help potential customers understand what sets your product apart from competitors, aiding in their decision-making process. Including high-quality images or icons and succinct, impactful descriptions will make this block more effective.
    • 🔗 Social Media Links Social Media Links are a set of icons that link to various social media profiles, allowing visitors to connect with the brand on different platforms. This block is pivotal for enhancing your online presence and fostering community engagement. By integrating social media links prominently on your site, you're providing easy access for users to follow your channels and stay updated. This not only augments your brand's reach but also strengthens customer loyalty by facilitating direct interactions through these platforms. The design and placement of social media links should be consistent with your brand’s aesthetic, ensuring they are both noticeable and non-intrusive.
    • 🗒️ Contact Form The Contact Form block is an essential tool for any website, providing a straightforward way for visitors to get in touch. This interactive block typically includes fields for the user's name, email, message, and sometimes specific inquiries depending on the website's nature. An efficiently designed contact form is user-friendly, encouraging visitors to engage, ask questions, or request services. This block not only facilitates communication but also helps in lead generation, collecting information from potential customers. Privacy considerations and clear instructions improve user trust and compliance, making the contact form a critical touchpoint for customer interaction and support.
    • 👥 Customer Feedback Form The Customer Feedback Form block is invaluable for gathering insights from users about their experiences with your website, product, or service. This interactive tool can help you collect valuable information that can be used to improve customer satisfaction and address any issues or preferences users might have. A well-designed feedback form is concise, encouraging users to share their thoughts without feeling overwhelmed. Including various types of questions, like ratings, short answers, and multiple choices, can yield more comprehensive feedback. Implementing this block demonstrates your commitment to customer engagement and continuous improvement, fostering a positive relationship with your audience.
    • 💡 FAQ Section The FAQ Section block is a practical element that consolidates commonly asked questions and their answers in one accessible location. Including an FAQ section on your website can significantly enhance user experience by providing immediate solutions to common inquiries, reducing support requests, and fostering self-service among users. Strategically organized FAQs with clear, concise answers can also improve SEO by integrating relevant keywords and addressing frequent search queries related to your business or industry. This block should be easy to navigate, possibly with categories or a search function, to ensure users can quickly find the information they need without frustration.
    • 🌐 Multi-language Support The Multi-language Support block is essential for websites targeting a global audience, offering content in multiple languages to accommodate visitors from different linguistic backgrounds. This block enhances accessibility and user experience by allowing individuals to access information in their preferred language, significantly broadening the site's reach and inclusivity. Implementing multi-language support involves more than just direct translation; it requires cultural adaptation to ensure content relevance and engagement across diverse audiences. A well-executed multi-language block can also improve SEO in different language markets, showcasing commitment to diversity and global accessibility.
    • 👀 Privacy Policy The Privacy Policy block is a critical component for any website, outlining how users' personal information is collected, used, and protected. Given the increasing concern over data privacy, having a clear and accessible privacy policy is crucial for building trust with your visitors. This block should be written in plain language, avoiding legal jargon, to ensure users can easily understand their rights and the measures taken to protect their data. Integrating a privacy policy not only complies with legal requirements but also signals to users that their privacy is respected and taken seriously on your platform.
    • 📊 Analytics Opt-In/Out The Analytics Opt-In/Out block allows users to control their participation in data analytics, reflecting growing demands for privacy and personal data management on the web. By providing visitors with the option to opt in or out of tracking, you respect their privacy preferences, which can enhance trust and transparency. This block is particularly important in light of strict data protection laws, ensuring compliance and safeguarding user rights. A well-designed opt-in/out feature is straightforward, offering clear explanations about what data is collected and how it is used, thereby fostering a respectful and compliant website environment.
    • 🚀 Call to Action (CTA) The Call to Action (CTA) block is a pivotal element designed to prompt an immediate response or encourage users to take a specific action. This could be anything from signing up for a newsletter, downloading a guide, to making a purchase. Effective CTAs are visually striking, using persuasive language and contrasting colors to stand out on the page. They are strategically placed to guide users through a desired journey or decision-making process. Crafting compelling CTAs involves understanding your audience's needs and motivations, making them an essential tool for conversion rate optimization and engaging user experiences on any website.

Who is the web design app for?

  • Newbies Newbies are individuals who are just beginning to explore the world of web design. They require intuitive interfaces, simple drag-and-drop features, and pre-designed templates that do not demand in-depth knowledge of coding or design principles. These users benefit greatly from in-app tutorials, tips, and responsive customer support. A web design app for newbies emphasizes ease of use, educational resources, and a forgiving environment where mistakes can be easily corrected. This approach helps them gradually understand web design basics, encouraging a smooth learning curve without overwhelming them with technical details.
  • Small Business Owners Small business owners seek web design apps to create or revamp their online presence without substantial investment in professional services. They value cost-effective solutions that offer customization to reflect their brand identity accurately. Essential features for them include SEO tools, e-commerce integrations, and responsive design options that ensure their site looks good on any device. The app's importance lies in its ability to provide a one-stop solution for their web design needs, enabling them to maintain an up-to-date, professional online facade that appeals to their customer base and supports their marketing strategies effectively.
  • Freelance Web Designers Freelance web designers are professionals who create websites for clients across various industries. They require advanced features such as code editing capabilities, extensive design flexibility, and the ability to implement custom plugins or integrations. For them, a web design app must support collaboration features for team projects, version control, and secure hosting options. The significance of the app lies in its efficiency and flexibility, allowing freelancers to deliver high-quality, customized websites within tight deadlines, thus enhancing their productivity and expanding their business opportunities.
  • Bloggers Bloggers use web design apps to craft engaging, visually appealing blogs that attract and retain an audience. They prioritize ease of content management, SEO optimization tools, and social media integration features that enable them to reach a wider audience. For bloggers, the availability of aesthetically pleasing templates and the ability to customize the layout and navigation of their blog are crucial. A web design app serves as a vital tool for them to express their identity and share content effectively, making it instrumental in building their online presence and fostering community engagement.
  • Non-Profit Organizations Non-profit organizations need web design apps to create compelling websites that advocate for their causes, engage volunteers, and encourage donations. They look for affordable solutions that offer easy-to-use donation buttons, event management tools, and options to highlight success stories and testimonials. The app is crucial for them to efficiently convey their mission, impact, and needs to a global audience, facilitating community involvement and support without diverting resources from their core activities towards website development.
  • Online Store Owners Online store owners leverage web design apps to build and manage e-commerce platforms. They require features such as inventory management, secure payment gateways, customer feedback systems, and analytics to track user engagement and sales trends. The significance of the app for them lies in its ability to offer a comprehensive, user-friendly platform that supports all aspects of online retail, from product display to checkout, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for their customers and driving sales growth.
  • UX/UI Designers UX/UI Designers focus on creating user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing web interfaces. They need web design apps that offer advanced design tools, prototyping capabilities, and the ability to test usability across different devices and screen sizes. These designers value flexibility and control over the design process, allowing for iterative testing and refinement. For UX/UI designers, a web design app is essential in efficiently crafting interfaces that enhance user experience, ensuring that websites are not only visually appealing but also intuitive and accessible to all users.

eCommerce ready

Elevate your website with cutting-edge e-commerce features by integrating Smart Cart and Simple Shop extensions for Mobirise. These tools allow seamless integration of a shopping platform, enabling the effortless management of dynamic product cards. With just a few clicks, you can transform your site into a bustling online store. Conveniently, orders can be directed straight to your WhatsApp, email, Stripe, or PayPal, streamlining the shopping experience for both you and your customers.

Choosing the right web design app

  • Wix Wix is a renowned web design platform that allows users to create stunning websites with its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. It offers a wide variety of templates tailored for different industries, ensuring flexibility and creativity in design. Wix is praised for its ease of use, making it an excellent choice for beginners. However, its free plan comes with branded ads, and true customization requires upgrading to premium plans. Cost-effectiveness varies; it can get pricey for advanced features and eCommerce capabilities. In comparison, Mobirise, as a great alternative, gives more control over the design process but requires some coding knowledge.
  • Squarespace Squarespace is admired for its sleek, professional templates that are perfect for creatives and small businesses. It's slightly less intuitive than Wix but offers detailed customization options, and the learning curve is worth it for the design quality you can achieve. Squarespace includes SEO tools and e-commerce functions, making it a robust choice for growing businesses. In terms of cost-effectiveness, it provides great value for its subscription fees, although it lacks a free tier. Compared to Mobirise, Squarespace offers less flexibility for hands-on web designers wanting full control over their site's code.
  • Weebly Weebly stands out for its ease of use, making it favorable for beginners and users who prefer a straightforward approach to web design. It offers a range of templates and the drag-and-drop interface is intuitive. Weebly also includes ecommerce tools, though its features can feel limited compared to more robust platforms. It's cost-effective for small operations, but scaling up or requiring advanced customization could be restrictive. Unlike Mobirise, Weebly's design flexibility is more constrained, making it less suitable for complex or highly customized websites.
  • WordPress WordPress is a powerful content management system that excels in flexibility and customization. It's highly favored for its robust plugin ecosystem, allowing users to add nearly any functionality to their site. While it offers unparalleled power, WordPress has a steeper learning curve, and users benefit from some coding knowledge. Hosting costs can vary widely, making it both cost-effective for lean projects and expensive for high-traffic sites. Compared to Mobirise, WordPress offers a more dynamic and scalable solution but requires more time investment to master.
  • Shopify Shopify is the go-to platform for e-commerce websites, offering an all-in-one solution for online stores of all sizes. Its ease of use, comprehensive shop management tools, and scalability make it highly attractive. Customization through themes and apps is straightforward, though at times limited for complex custom needs without using custom code. Shopify's subscription model can be costly but justifiable by its extensive features. In comparison, Mobirise might offer more design freedom but lacks the integrated e-commerce features that Shopify excels in.
  • Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Dreamweaver is a sophisticated web design tool that offers a mix of visual and code editing features, catering to both beginners and experienced developers. Its compatibility with other Adobe products enhances workflow for users already in the Adobe ecosystem. Dreamweaver requires a subscription, making it less cost-effective for users on a tight budget. It offers great flexibility for designing from scratch but lacks the template-based, drag-and-drop simplicity of platforms like Mobirise. For users requiring detailed control over design elements and who appreciate integrated coding features, Dreamweaver is a compelling choice.
  • GoDaddy Website Builder GoDaddy's Website Builder is geared towards novices seeking to get a website up quickly with minimal fuss. It provides a simple drag-and-drop interface, albeit with less creative flexibility compared to more advanced platforms. It’s particularly suited for small websites and portfolios. The cost is reasonable, with various plans including hosting and domain services. However, for larger projects or those requiring detailed customization, it falls short. Compared to Mobirise, GoDaddy offers a more guided experience, sacrificing some degree of design freedom for ease of use.
  • Mobirise Mobirise is a free offline app designed for non-techies and professionals alike, offering great flexibility and control over website design. It stands out by allowing users to work on their website offline, providing a wide range of templates and extensions. It caters to users who prefer visual development without compromising on the ability to dive into code when necessary. While it lacks the integrated services like hosting found in other platforms, its cost-effectiveness for creating static sites and landing pages is unmatched. Compared to online platforms, Mobirise offers a unique approach to web design that prioritizes user control and flexibility.

Best free web design app

Mobirise is a user-friendly, offline web design application that empowers users to create mobile-friendly websites without coding knowledge. It utilizes a drag-and-drop interface to streamline the design process, offering a wide range of pre-made blocks and templates tailored for various industries. This software supports responsive design, ensuring websites adapt seamlessly across different devices. Features include image/content sliders, contact forms, social media links, and Google Maps integration. Mobirise also offers extensions for enhanced functionality, such as eCommerce and SEO tools. Ideal for small businesses, freelancers, and non-techies aiming for professional web presence. Experience the simplicity of web design; download Mobirise using the buttons below.

Edit code of any HTML blocks

Elevate your web design game with the Code Editor extension for Mobirise. This powerful tool allows you to directly modify HTML, incorporate your personalized scripts, and customize CSS to your liking. Tailor your websites with precision, adding unique features and styles that standard blocks can't. Whether you're aiming to insert specialized code snippets or adjust the aesthetic appeal, the Code Editor extension grants you the flexibility to craft your projects exactly as envisioned.


What is the easiest web design app for beginners?

One of the easiest web design apps for beginners is Mobirise. It's known for its drag-and-drop interface, making it simple for anyone, regardless of their technical skills, to create beautiful websites.

Can I use Mobirise for creating a professional website?

Yes, Mobirise is suitable for creating professional websites. It offers a wide range of templates and extensions that can be customized to meet the needs of various business sectors.

Is Mobirise free to use?

Mobirise offers a free version that includes basic features, which is great for small projects and personal websites. For access to more advanced features, they offer paid plans.

Do I need to know coding to use Mobirise?

No, you do not need to know coding to use Mobirise. It is designed with a user-friendly interface that allows you to create websites without any coding knowledge.

Can I make my website mobile-responsive with Mobirise?

Yes, websites created with Mobirise are automatically mobile-responsive, ensuring that your site looks great on any device.

Where can I find Mobirise templates?

You can find Mobirise templates directly on their website under the Themes & Templates section. They offer a wide range of templates suited for various types of websites.

Custom forms

Creating a custom contact form for your website is now effortless with the Form Builder extension for Mobirise. Design a form that suits your needs, including various fields to gather essential information from customers seamlessly. With no backend management required, once your site is live, you'll begin receiving emails immediately from your form submissions. This tool simplifies the process, making it straightforward for you to connect with your audience and collect their data efficiently.

User Reviews about web design app

  • Seamless Design, Effortlessly Achieved - Samantha G.

    For years, I've dabbled with various web design apps, seeking that perfect blend of flexibility and user-friendliness. My quest ended when I stumbled upon this web design app. I chose it primarily for its extensive library of templates catering to my eclectic tastes. Initially, my major question revolved around customization—could I tweak the templates enough to make them truly mine? To my delight, the app provided an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, allowing for extensive customization without overwhelming me with complexity. The real-time preview was a cherry on top, enabling me to see the fruits of my labor instantly. However, it wasn't all smooth sailing; the app's rich features demanded a sharp learning curve, particularly when dealing with advanced functionalities like SEO settings and site analytics. Despite these hiccups, the positives—like its responsive design capabilities and robust e-commerce integration—far outweighed the negatives, making my web design journey more fulfilling than ever.

  • A Novice’s Dream Come True - Jeremy P.

    As someone with zero experience in web design, the thought of creating a website from scratch was daunting. My choice to go with this web design app was based purely on its claims of no prior knowledge requirement, and it didn't disappoint. The app offered an enchanting step-by-step tutorial which laid a clear path through the maze of design options, turning what seemed like a Herculean task into a manageable project. I did find myself questioning how to best utilize SEO tools and integrate social media; however, the in-app assistance provided timely and clear explanations. The most significant positive was undoubtedly the simplicity with which I could bring my ideas to life, bolstered by a comprehensive library of images and fonts. On the downside, the app's simplicity sometimes felt like a constraint, limiting more advanced customizations I grew interested in exploring as I became more confident. Overall, it struck the right balance for a beginner like me, making web design an enjoyable learning experience.

  • Flexibility Meets Frustration - Marco T.

    As a freelance web designer always on the hunt for the next best tool, this web design app caught my eye with its promise of flexibility and extensive plugin integration. The allure of being able to effortlessly adapt a website to any client's needs was too tempting to pass up. However, I found myself grappling with the app's interface more often than I'd have liked. While the breadth of tools at my disposal was impressive, figuring out how to use them effectively was not always straightforward, leaving me with several unanswered questions about the best practices for utilizing specific features. The app shone when it came to the range of third-party plugins and the ease of incorporating these into my designs, enhancing functionality without sacrificing aesthetics. Yet, the occasional glitches and slow loading times of certain features detracted from the overall experience. In essence, while the app offered the flexibility I desired, it also introduced a level of frustration that I hadn't anticipated.

  • Community and Creativity Collide - Olivia W.

    What intrigued me most about this web design app wasn't just its array of design tools but the vibrant community that came with it. Choosing this builder was a no-brainer as I valued the opportunity to share ideas and seek feedback from fellow designers. While navigating through the app, questions about specific design trends and how to effectively implement them frequently arose. Thankfully, the community forums and in-app support were both incredibly responsive, offering valuable insights and solutions. The app's interface facilitated creativity, with an impressive selection of textures, colors, and templates making it easy to experiment with different styles. However, I occasionally found the customization options to be more restricted than I would have liked, particularly when trying to execute more unconventional design ideas. Despite this, the positives, including the supportive community and the app's intuitive design tools, made it a stimulating platform for both personal and professional growth.

  • Building My Portfolio with Mobirise - Emily S.

    As a graphic designer looking to showcase my work, I needed a website that was both visually appealing and easy to manage. After researching various platforms, I decided to go with Mobirise. The drag-and-drop functionality was a game-changer for me. I could easily add my portfolio pieces, create galleries, and even integrate videos. However, I faced a bit of a learning curve understanding some of the more advanced features, like setting up a contact form that syncs with my email. Despite this, I was extremely pleased with the result—a sleek, professional website that truly represents my work.

  • A Beginner's Experience with WordPress - Joshua C.

    Never having built a website before, I decided to try WordPress due to its popularity. I chose a free theme and started customizing it. WordPress's extensive library of plugins allowed me to add features I needed, such as social media integration and a contact form. I found the WordPress community support invaluable; whenever I encountered a problem, like adjusting the theme layout, I quickly found solutions through forums and tutorials. The process was smooth, and I managed to create a professional-looking blog that caters to my interests in technology. The experience was empowering, and I learned a lot about web design along the way.

  • Launching My Online Store with Shopify - Maria T.

    I dreamt of starting my own online boutique but was concerned about the complexity of setting up an e-commerce site. Choosing Shopify turned out to be the best decision. Their templates were user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing, making the design process enjoyable. I particularly loved the inventory management system, which seamlessly integrated with my website, providing real-time updates on my stock levels. The challenge came with customizing the checkout experience to offer my customers the most convenience. After some trial and error and exploring Shopify's extensive app store, I found the right tools and now run a successful online store that reflects my brand's essence.

  • My Mobirise Journey to a Photography Website - Kevin J.

    As a photographer, my website needed to highlight my images in a minimalist yet engaging layout. I chose Mobirise for its simplicity and the stunning visual-oriented themes it offered. The drag-and-drop builder allowed me to organize my photo galleries intuitively, and I was surprised at how simple it was to optimize my website for mobile devices. The challenge for me was integrating an e-commerce module for selling prints directly from my site. Mobirise's flexibility with third-party integrations was a lifesaver, allowing me to implement a solution without compromising the site’s performance or aesthetic. I'm proud of the result, a clean, responsive website that beautifully showcases my work.

  • A Fresh Take on Web Design - Jessica H.

    Pros: The app's intuitive interface makes it incredibly easy for both beginners and seasoned designers to craft beautiful websites. Its extensive library of templates ensures that you can kickstart your project in almost any genre with ease. The real-time collaboration feature allows for seamless teamwork, making it perfect for remote work environments.

    Cons: While the app shines in usability and features, it falls short with its subscription model, which can be on the pricier side for freelancers or small businesses. Additionally, the customization options, while extensive, can still feel limiting for those who want to dive deep into the coding aspect of web design.

  • Robust Yet Complex - Markus D.

    Pros: This app offers powerful tools that cater to the needs of professional web designers and developers. Its ability to handle complex projects and offer granular control over every aspect of web design is unmatched. The inclusion of a code editor within the app is a boon for those who like to get their hands dirty with HTML/CSS/JavaScript.

    Cons: However, this very complexity makes it less accessible for beginners or those looking for a quick and easy way to put together a website. The learning curve is steep, and it can be overwhelming without prior web design experience. Furthermore, the app's performance can sometimes lag, especially when handling larger projects, which might impact productivity.

Create website with free web design app now!

Begin crafting stunning, high-speed websites effortlessly. Eliminate the need for coding by opting for an intuitive drag-and-drop experience. Explore thousands of website blocks, ready to cater to diverse aesthetic preferences. This incredible tool is entirely free for any use. Elevate your online presence by downloading now, at no cost.

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